Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I think I can... I think I can... I think I can....

That's what the little red wagon says isnt it as it chugs up the steep incline?

My head is absolutely spinning. from excitement, and fear, and a little bit of sadness....

I'm excited because I recommenced my uni degree for teaching this week. I went to meet my mentor teacher at the school where I will be doing my prac for this year. It is a tiny little school p-10, with the "high school" being 7,8,9,10 totalling 56 kids. I will be there on a Monday afternoon, and Tuesday mornings. Monday's I will have y7 history, and a media class. and Tuesdays composite y9/10 English.

Wednesday's and Thursdays I'm at uni for lecture's and tutorials. Which leaves me with Friday to PLAY!

Aston is in daycare 4 days now... and I can't help but feel sad. He has a lovely time, but I am missing him terribly. Which is why I am keeping Friday's free to play - to catch up with my friends and their little people.

I am never good when everything changes... it takes me a while to feel ok about it all. Not only is there change happening for me, but its happening around me... My friend S has started working fulltime, so getting to see her is like organising a trek in Nepal - major work! Another friend N has gone from two car family to one car family, and is heavily pregnant, so am not seeing her as much as I used to, and yet another friend A is working three days a week, as opposed to the one she was doing last year, when I looked after her little girl. And then of course there is me, and the myriad of things going on in my life.

I had to pull out being a mentor for the EMMA program due to time conflicts. I'm disappointed about it, but in reality it is probably for the best at the moment. My head is spinning trying to get myself organised for all the reading I have to do, and try to keep everyone happy...

Oh well I guess I will just become a recluse for the year, sticking my head out when its school holidays....

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