Saturday, April 10, 2010

night off.

I have a night off from being a mummy tonight. last one was my birthday, 3 months ago.

I am going to go to a girlfriends and go out to dinner I think. and enjoy the opportunity of being able to sleep in tomorrow. saying that I will probably be awake at dawn!

I started the champix on Wednesday, and I think its starting to work. I have noticed since yesterday afternoon that I smoke have a cigerette and then dont want anymore. I also told the doctor that I wasnt sleeping, so she has given me a script for valium again, and I have been sleeping better - 11.30 - 12, as opposed to the 2, 3 or not all that I was doing! as long as I can get 6hours in a row, I can function. 8 would be better, and hopefully that will come.

Once all my kidlets have gone to their various sleep overs I hope to get some painting done. I have a painting rolling around in my head that I need to do. I'm going to do it in watercolours first, then do a big acrylic version. so if I get the watercolour one done at least I will be happy.

Plus spend 15mins periodically through out the day clearing crap...... oh its such a big job. :(

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad the champix and valium are helping... Thinking of you today about your knee xxxx


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