I have two types of people in my life. Those that have known me for a long time, and those that are relative newcomers.
The people in my life that I've known for over ten years have seen me fall down, pick myself up, and carry on. There are a handful who have seen me do it numerous times, from the very first time 12 years ago, when the light of hope that lived in my heart had been extinguished, and my strength to carry the facade that I had been living behind ceased. And with it, my will to live.
Apparently the universe had other ideas when my psyche shattered 12 years ago, and sent me an angel who rescued me from myself. A month later, after 17 days in the local psych ward, and two weeks away resting, the light of hope had been reignited, albeit, a tiny little flame, the façade had been laid down for good, and the real VICKY took her first few faltering steps out into the world, to live in all her authenticity.
Its been a journey these last 12 years, full of triumphs, victories and tears. Marked throughout it have been periods of time when I have fallen down and travelled through the dark tight space that I now understand to be my
amygdala, the part of my brain responsible for processing emotions relating particualy to survival, and determining where memories will be stored. It is this part of my brain that switches into overdrive when certain events trigger it, and responds with overactive fear response. I used to call it my impending sense of doom. Now I call it what it is - Complex - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
What's the difference between Complex PTSD and PTSD? That's an answer I went in search of when I fell back into trauma in
March last year. I needed to know why that wench anxiety had its tight grip around my throat - yet again! And why does it keep happening??
Everything I had read about PTSD indicated that after the trauma that had triggered PTSD had been processed, "normality" returns. How come my "normal" keeps getting disrupted, time and time again??
A website I discovered, Out of the fog, described it perfectly:
"Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) is a condition that results from chronic or long-term exposure to emotional trauma over which a victim has little or no control and from which there is little or no hope of escape..."
"The "Complex" in Complex Post Traumatic Disorder describes how one layer after another of trauma can interact with one another."
"C-PTSD results more from chronic repetitive stress from which there is little chance of escape. PTSD can result from single events, or short term exposure to extreme stress or trauma."
A week ago that flame that had be reignited went out. Again. The pain of continually falling into trauma was like being caught in a set of dumper waves, thrown down to the sand, spun around, frantically searching for the surface, only to be picked up and dumped again.
I now know that a contributing factor to the descent of my mood into wanting to exit this world and stop the pain - for me and for everyone around me, was being put on a new medication Mirtazapine. If I had known it's brand name Avanza, I would never have agreed to go on it. I had taken it before and went back to my Doctor two weeks later telling her I had to stop taking it as it was not just making my mood lower, but was making me feel constantly angry.
Thankfully the doctors here have listened to me, and I am no longer on it.
I will be here for another week, and in that time are hopeful that I will connect with support and resources to help me swim out of the set of dumper waves, and learn new skills and tools to help me from being triggered into trauma.
And with that I will leave you with this:
If I could be you and you could be me for just one hour
If we could find a way to get inside each other's mind
If you could see you through my eyes, instead of your ego
I believe you'd be surprised to see, that you'd been blind
Walk a mile in my shoes
Walk a mile in my shoes
And before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes
Now your whole world you see around you is just a reflection
And the law of karma, says you reap, just what you sow
So unless you've lived a life of total perfection
You'd better be careful of every stone that you should throw
Walk a mile in my shoes
Walk a mile in my shoes
And before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes
And yet we spend the day throwing stones at one another
'Cause I don't think or wear my hair the same way you do
Well, I may be common people but I'm your brother
And when you strike out and try to hurt me it's a-hurtin' you
Walk a mile in my shoes
Walk a mile in my shoes
And before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes
There are people on reservations and out in the ghettos
And brother, there but for the grace of God, go you and I
If I only had the wings of a little angel
Don't you know I'd fly to the top of the mountain and then I'd cry
Walk a mile in my shoes
Walk a mile in my shoes
And before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes
Walk, walk, walk a mile in my shoes
Walk a mile in my shoes
And before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes
Walk, walk, walk a mile in my shoes
Walk, walk, walk a mile in my shoes
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes
- Brian Ferry "Walk a mile in my shoes"